
Kindergarten students attend full days 2-3 days per week. We have Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday classes with predetermined Fridays. A calendar with specific kindergarten days will be provided at the end of June.

A typical day in kindergarten includes:

Morning Routines - Worship - Discipleship - Snack - Recess - Numeracy - Literacy - Gym -  Recess - Lunch - Story/Body Break - Theme Activity - Centres - End of Day Routines - Dismissal

How is Faith Integrated

How is faith integrated in the kindergarten program?

Aside from learning about various Bible stories during Discipleship classes; everything we teach is taught from a Christian worldview, and teaches students how God’s hand and design is in everything.

For example, during our ‘Community Helpers/Careers’ unit, we talk about how God has chosen people to do each job and that He created each student to do something special. During our ‘Outer Space’ unit, we discuss how God made the planets, stars, etc. and the amazing beauty and intricacy of His design. Our ‘Oceans’ unit is all about the amazing ocean creatures God has created. The ‘All About Me’ unit integrates how God made us unique and special, and that He loves each one of us. Faith is tightly woven in to everything we do in kindergarten!

Out of School Care Program

Students who require care outside of regular school hours can be enrolled in the Out of School Care Program. We offer care from 6:30 am - 8:15 am and/or 3:30 - 6:00 pm. 

Find out more about the Out of School Care Program