Interested in seeing what books you have out from our Library, or want to put a hold on a book that you've been waiting to read?
Visit the Destiny Discover site to view your account.
To use:
- Select our school under the K-12 School option
- Click on “log in” which you will see on the top right corner
- Click on “Sign In with Google” which will prompt you to use your Palliser division email address and the email password.
- This will open up access to Destiny Discover where you will be able to view your account information and also view the HCA catalog.
- You may place “holds” on books from the HCA collection here; find out what books you have checked out at present; and renew books that are overdue. You will also be able to see if you have fines that must be paid and what they are for.
- We have a small E-book collection that you may also access via Follett Destiny Discover.
If you have questions about the Learning Commons - Library at HCA contact our Learning Commons Facilitator, Erika Meipoom-Jones by clicking below: