Learning Commons - Library

Interested in seeing what books you have out from our Library, or want to put a hold on a book that you've been waiting to read?

Visit the Destiny Discover site to view your account.

Discover Destiny Site

To use: 

  1. Select our school under the K-12 School option
  2. Click on “log in” which you will see on the top right corner 
  3. Click on “Sign In with Google” which will prompt you to use your Palliser division email address and the email password. 
  4. This will open up access to Destiny Discover where you will be able to view your account information and also view the HCA catalog. 
  5. You may place “holds” on books from the HCA collection here; find out what books you have checked out at present; and renew books that are overdue. You will also be able to see if you have fines that must be paid and what they are for. 
  6. We have a small E-book collection that you may also access via Follett Destiny Discover.


If you have questions about the Learning Commons - Library at HCA contact our Learning Commons Facilitator, Erika Meipoom-Jones by clicking below: 

Contact the Learning Commons Facilitator