Welcome to HCA


Equipping students for life through quality Christian education that inspires commitment to Jesus Christ, academic excellence, Christlike character and service to others.


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Since 1979, Heritage Christian Academy has viewed Christian Education as a shared commitment between parents, teachers, students, and the school as a whole.

Operating as a Christian Alternative Program within Palliser School Division since 2006, the school exists as a partnership between Heritage Christian Education Society Calgary (HCESC) and Palliser School Division. This partnership supports parental choice for faith-based public education.

Our respective roles are unique and defined. Palliser is responsible for the education program, staff, and supports for learning. The HCESC is responsible for providing the facility for the school, ensuring a Christian worldview component to the curriculum taught, and setting the requirements for student enrolment.  

HCA's teachers, learning assistants, and school administration are employees of Palliser School Division and the HCESC is also involved in the hiring process of our educational staff.